MS Arts Audition Boot Camp — APPLICATIONS OPEN
The Arts Office is thrilled to launch the eleventh year of MS Arts Audition Boot Camp. Please share this amazing student opportunity with current 7th grade students who have expressed an interest in screened arts high school programs.
Note that the deadline to apply is March 28th.
Location: Lincoln Center, Rose Building, 165 West 65th Street, NY, NY 10023
Admission: Admission to the MS Arts Audition Boot Camp 2025 is by both an online application
and an in-person audition on April 5 or April 6 (applicant's choice of date).
Eligibility: To apply for MS Arts Audition Boot Camp 2025, students must meet the following criteria:
1. Students must be entering 8th grade in the Fall of 2025.
2. Priority is given to students currently attending a Title I NYC public school or Title
I eligible students attending a non-Title I NYC public school.
3. Students cannot attend MS Arts Audition Boot Camp 2025 if they have been
accepted and plan to attend Summer Arts Institute (SAI) 2025. (Students can
apply to both programs but can only attend one program within the same year.)